The Ultimate Bull Put Spread Trading Strategy

In the video “The Ultimate Bull Put Spread Trading Strategy” by Options with Davis, you will learn all about the Bull Put Spread trading strategy. This strategy is a profitable way to trade options, but it’s important to understand how to do it correctly to avoid account losses. The video provides insights on trading the Bull Put Spread effectively, including key criteria and steps to put the odds in your favor. It also includes trade examples and additional content on other trading strategies. Viewers are encouraged to engage with the video by liking it, leaving comments, and subscribing to the channel for more informative videos on option trading.

The Ultimate Bull Put Spread Trading Strategy


The Bull Put Spread is a profitable defined-risk trading strategy that can lead to account growth if executed correctly. However, trading it incorrectly can result in account losses. In this video by Options with Davis, the speaker shares insights on how to trade the Bull Put Spread effectively and increase the chances of profitability. The video provides timestamps for easy navigation and includes trade examples to illustrate the strategy.

Understanding the Bull Put Spread

The Bull Put Spread is a bullish credit spread, also known as a short put spread, that involves two single put options. It is a strategy where the risk is defined and calculated as the width of the spread minus the credit received. The first option is the short put option, which is ideally placed out of the money for a higher probability of winning. The second option is the long put option. Placing the short put option out of the money allows traders to receive the full credit if the market settles above the short strike by expiration.

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Key Criteria for Profitability

To increase the odds of profitability, three key criteria are discussed in the video. The first criterion is using the stochastic oscillator to identify oversold market conditions. This helps traders wait for an optimal entry point when the market is oversold and potentially ripe for a reversal. The second criterion is placing the bull put spread below a support level. By identifying a strong support level, traders can place the spread in a position where it has a higher probability of success. The third criterion is identifying the delta of the short strike to estimate the probability of profit. Delta measures the probability of an option expiring in the money and can be used to assess the likelihood of the spread being profitable.

Steps to Put on a Bull Put Spread

The video outlines seven steps to put on a high probability bull put spread. The first step is waiting for an oversold condition in the market. The second step is identifying a support level where the spread can be placed. The third step is choosing an appropriate expiration date for the options. The fourth step is finding a strike below the support level with the desired delta. The fifth step is calculating the potential credit received from the spread. The sixth step is analyzing the risk-reward ratio to ensure it meets the trader’s criteria. The final step is placing the trade based on the analysis done in the previous steps.

Trade Examples

To further illustrate the steps and criteria discussed, the video provides two trade examples. The first example is a bull put spread trade with Apple, a well-known stock. The second example is a bull put spread trade with the Russell 2000 ETF (IWM), a popular exchange-traded fund. These examples show how the strategy can be applied in different market scenarios and highlight the importance of following the outlined steps and criteria.

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Analyzing Different Market Scenarios

Using real-world market examples, the speaker in the video analyzes different market scenarios and discusses potential outcomes. By observing price movements and using technical analysis tools such as moving averages and price patterns, traders can gain insights into market behavior and adjust their strategies accordingly. The speaker emphasizes the importance of monitoring support levels and being attentive to short-term reversals as valuable indicators for making informed trading decisions.

Importance of Support Levels

Support levels play a critical role in the bull put spread strategy. Identifying strong support levels allows traders to determine potential reversal points at which the market may bounce back. By placing the spread below a support level, traders increase the probability of the market staying above the short strike and the spread being profitable. Additionally, monitoring support breakdowns can help assess risk and avoid potential losses.

Monitoring Price Movements

To effectively trade the bull put spread strategy, monitoring price movements is essential. Technical analysis tools can be used to observe price patterns, utilize moving averages, and identify short-term reversals. These tools provide valuable insights into market trends and help traders make informed decisions about their trades. By staying updated on price movements, traders can adjust their positions if necessary and maximize their chances of profitability.

Timing the Trade Entry

Timing the trade entry is crucial to maximize the potential profitability of the bull put spread strategy. Waiting for an oversold condition in the market increases the probability of a successful trade. By applying the stochastic oscillator, traders can objectively assess market conditions and choose the optimal entry point for their trades. Patience and discipline in timing the trade entry can significantly enhance the performance of the strategy.

Engaging with the Options with Davis Channel

Options with Davis provides valuable content on credit spreads, bull put spreads, and option trading for beginners. The video mentioned in this article is available on the Options with Davis channel, where viewers are encouraged to like the video and leave comments with questions or greetings. By subscribing to the channel and hitting the notification bell, viewers can access more informative videos on options trading and continue learning from Options with Davis.

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The Ultimate Bull Put Spread Trading Strategy


The Ultimate Bull Put Spread Trading Strategy offers a profitable approach to trading options with defined risk. By understanding the characteristics of the bull put spread, key criteria for profitability, and steps to put on the spread, traders can increase their chances of success. Analyzing different market scenarios, identifying support levels, monitoring price movements, and timing the trade entry are essential components of the strategy. Engaging with the Options with Davis channel provides viewers with further insights and opportunities for growth in their options trading journey. It is important to execute the strategy properly, manage risk effectively, and stay committed to continuous learning for long-term success in the options market.